Monday 4 March 2024

PLSQL Interview Questions



1. What is major difference between sql and plsql?

2. What is join and how many types of joins?

3. Differences between count(1) and count(*)

 4. What is the difference between joins and set operators?

5. How to display the 3rd highest salary in the employee table?

6. How to display the employee who joined after 15 th of any month?

7. What is view? Tell me different views?

8. What is materialized view and difference between view and mview?

 9. What is inline view ?have you ever used in your project?

10. Difference between where clause and having clause?

11. Difference between sub query and correlated subquery?

12. What is the difference between CUBE and ROLLUP operators

13. What is the use of the group by clause?

14. IN vs EXISTS operators..give me one scenario

15. Rownum vs rowid 16. Pseudo columns

16. What are analytical functions?

17. How to delete duplicate values in table?

18. What are the conversion functions?

19. How to display the column count?

20. What is difference between CEIL and FLOOR?

21. What is difference between BTREE INDEX and BINARY INDEX?

 22. What is the difference between primary key and forigen key?

23. What is MERGE ? Give me syntax?

24. Tell me something about synonyms?

 25. How to get last day of the month?

 26. What is save point and commit

 27. What is pragma? types in pragma?

28. What is difference between procedure and trigger ?

29. What is collesce and nullif, nvl and nvl2 function?

30. What is mutating error to avoid it.

31. What is dynamic sql?

32. Tell me everything about cursors?

33. Can you tell me about exceptions?

34. What are advantages of packages?

35. What is difference between cursor and ref cursor?

36. What is advantage of procedure and function?

37. What is difference between procedure v/s package?

38. What are the collection types please brief?

39. What is SQLCODE and SQLERRM?

40. What is exception? Tell me some seeded exceptions?

41. What are the conditional statements?

43. What is difference between raise and raise application error

44. What are formal and actual parameters?

45. Difference between nested tables and varrays?

46. What is bulk collect and give me syntax?

47. Primary key vs unique

48. What is difference and forall loop and for loop?

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