Monday 18 March 2024

EAM Asset number and Attributes

 The two item interface tables to populate are MTL_EAM_ASSET_NUM_INTERFACE (MEANI), and the MTL_EAM_ATTR_VAL_INTERFACE (MEAVI). The MTL_EAM_ASSET_NUM_INTERFACE table stores relevant Asset Number information. If the asset's attributes are also imported, that information is stored in the MTL_EAM_ATTR_VAL_INTERFACE.

Column Name (partial list of columns)Instruction
BATCH_IDEnter an arbitrary number. Rows designated with the same BATCH_ID will process together.
PROCESS_FLAGEnter a P for pending. This value will change to S if the import is successful, or E if the row contains an error.
IMPORT_MODEEnter 0 to create new rows (asset numbers), or 1 to update existing rows.
IMPORT_SCOPEEnter 0 to import both Asset Numbers and Attributes, 1 to import Asset Numbers only, or 2 to import Attributes only.
INVENTORY_ITEM_IDEnter the Asset Group to associate with the imported Asset Number(s).
SERIAL_NUMBEREnter the name of the Asset Number.
ORGANIZATION_CODEEnter the current organization.
OWNING_DEPARTMENT_CODEEnter the Owning Department of the asset number(s).
ERROR_CODEThis column will update by the Import process if an error occurs.
ERROR_MESSAGEThis column will update by the Import process if an error occurs.
INTERFACE_HEADER_IDThis is used with the identically named column in the MEAVI table, to relate the Attributes associated with an Asset Number.
Column Name (partial list of columns)Instruction
PROCESS_STATUSEnter P (Pending). This value will change to S if the import is successful, or E if the row contains an error.
INTERFACE_HEADER_IDForeign key of the identically named column in the MEANI table to relate to the Asset Number an Attribute is associated with.
END_USER_COLUMN_NAMECorresponds with the Attribute Name
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORYCorresponds with the Attribute Group
LINE_TYPEEnter 1 if the Attribute is of type VARCHAR2, 2 if it is of type NUMBER, or 3 if it is of type DATE.
ATTRIBUTE_VARCHAR2_VALUEValue of the Attribute; used with LINE_TYPE = 1
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER_VALUEValue of the Attribute; used with LINE_TYPE = 2
ATTRIBUTE_DATE_VALUEValue of the Attribute; used with LINE_TYPE = 3
ERROR_NUMBERThis column will update by the Import process if an error occurs.
ERROR_MESSAGEThis column will update by the Import process if an error occurs.

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