Monday 11 March 2024

EAM Base Tables in Oracle Apps R12

 In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (R12), the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) module utilizes

several base tables to store asset-related information. These tables store data related to assets,

work orders, maintenance activities, resource assignments, and more. Below are some of the key base tables used in Oracle EAM in R12:

1. FA_ASSET_HISTORY: This table stores the history of changes to asset attributes.

2. FA_ASSET_RETIREMENTS: Contains information about retired assets.

3. FA_ADDITIONS_B: Stores basic asset information such as asset number, description, location, etc.

4. FA_BOOKS: Contains asset book information, including depreciation rules.

5. FA_CATEGORIES_B: Stores asset category information.

6. FA_DEPRN_DETAIL: Stores detailed information about depreciation expenses for assets.

7. FA_LOCATIONS: Contains information about asset locations.

8. FA_PERIODS: Stores information about accounting periods used for depreciation calculations.

9. FA_TRANSACTIONS: Contains details of asset transactions such as additions, adjustments, and retirements.

10. FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS: Stores information about transaction headers in the Fixed Assets module.

11. FA_TRANSACTION_LINES: Contains transaction line details such as units and amounts for each transaction.

12. FA_MASS_ADDITIONS: Stores information about mass additions.

13. EAM_WORK_ORDERS: Contains information about work orders in EAM.

14. EAM_TASKS: Stores information about tasks associated with work orders.

15. EAM_RESOURCES: Contains information about resources (e.g., employees, tools) assigned to tasks.

These tables are the primary sources of data for the Enterprise Asset Management

module in Oracle E-Business Suite R12. Depending on your specific requirements,

you may need to query and join these tables to retrieve the desired information

about assets, work orders, maintenance activities, and related data.

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