Saturday, 22 February 2014

Difference between Oracle apps 11i and R12

Difference between Oracle apps 11i and R12
Oracle Apps  
11i                                                                     R12

set of books    ---------------------------    Ledgers

3 C's - ( Calendar,                                 4C's ( Calendar,
Chart of Accounts and                                Chart of Accounts and
Currency        ---------------------------              Currency, Conventions (Accounting Method )

Global Accounting Engine-------------------    Sub Ledger Accounting Method (SLAM)

Global Intercompany System (GIS)-----------    Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS)

Intercompany Accounts----------------------    Intercompany Balancing

Primary Set of books----------------------    Primary Ledger

Reporting Set of books---------------------    Reporting Currency

MRC set of books---------------------------    Secondary Ledgers

HR Organization Classified as GRE/LE's    -------    Legal Entities

Operating Units assigned to set of books   --------  Operating Units assigned to primary
                                                                       Ledger in an Accounting setup

Secondary Ledgers : Multiple-posting set  ----------  Secondary Ledgers   
of books ( Global Accounting Engine )

Reporting Currencies -MRC Reporting set   --------     Reporting Currency
of books---------------------------   

Oracle forms / Report 6i  ----------------      Oracle forms / Reports 10g

In personalization level
set_lov_property is not available --------      In Oracle Apps R12 we can change the LOV

Difference Between 11i and R12 In Oracle Apps

Difference Between 11i and R12 In Oracle Apps

R12 is the latest and most advanced version of the E-Business Suite.

R12 is Defined as Global Business Release Focusing on working , Thinking and Managing Global Organization.

•Improve support for shared service operations.
•Ease access to aggregated data for management reporting.
•Ensure accurate accounting, tax and currency treatment of transactions.

•A single responsibility to access and transact on multiple organizations .
•A single ledger to manage multiple currencies.
•Ledger sets to manage accounting processes across ledgers.
•Centralized rules engines for tax, accounting and inter company.
•A separate and simple payment creation and delivery solution.
•Centralized trading partners (suppliers, banks, first party legal entities).
•Simplified reporting via XML Publisher.
•Netting across trading partners.

Centralized Financials Architecture:


TOP Changes in Oracle Release 12:
1.Multiple Ledgers- From Set of Books to Ledgers and Ledger Sets.
2.Legal Entities and Accounting Setup.
3.From Product Accounting to Subledger Accounting. (SLA)
4. Shared Service Access Controls - From Multi-Org to Multi-Access-MOAC (Multi Org Access Control) - Role based access to Operating Unit.
5.Oracle Payments and Banking - Centralized Bank Model- Centralized Payment Processing (Shared Services Disbursements and Receipts)
6.From Multi-Tax Codes to E-Business Tax(EB Tax).
7. Intercompany using Advanced Global Intercompany (AGIS).

Changes between 11i and R12 high level details:

Difference between Oracle apps 11i and R12
Oracle Apps  
11i                                                                     R12

set of books    ---------------------------    Ledgers

3 C's - ( Calendar,                                 4C's ( Calendar,
Chart of Accounts and                                Chart of Accounts and
Currency        ---------------------------              Currency, Conventions (Accounting Method )

Global Accounting Engine-------------------    Sub Ledger Accounting Method (SLAM)

Global Intercompany System (GIS)-----------    Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS)

Intercompany Accounts----------------------    Intercompany Balancing

Primary Set of books----------------------    Primary Ledger

Reporting Set of books---------------------    Reporting Currency

MRC set of books---------------------------    Secondary Ledgers

HR Organization Classified as GRE/LE's    -------    Legal Entities

Operating Units assigned to set of books   --------  Operating Units assigned to primary
                                                                       Ledger in an Accounting setup

Secondary Ledgers : Multiple-posting set  ----------  Secondary Ledgers   
of books ( Global Accounting Engine )

Reporting Currencies -MRC Reporting set   --------     Reporting Currency
of books---------------------------   

Oracle forms / Report 6i  ----------------      Oracle forms / Reports 10g

In personalization level
set_lov_property is not available --------      In Oracle Apps R12 we can change the LOV

Difference Between 11i and R12 In Oracle Apps

Difference Between 11i and R12 In Oracle Apps

R12 is the latest and most advanced version of the E-Business Suite.

R12 is Defined as Global Business Release Focusing on working , Thinking and Managing Global Organization.

•Improve support for shared service operations.
•Ease access to aggregated data for management reporting.
•Ensure accurate accounting, tax and currency treatment of transactions.

•A single responsibility to access and transact on multiple organizations .
•A single ledger to manage multiple currencies.
•Ledger sets to manage accounting processes across ledgers.
•Centralized rules engines for tax, accounting and inter company.
•A separate and simple payment creation and delivery solution.
•Centralized trading partners (suppliers, banks, first party legal entities).
•Simplified reporting via XML Publisher.
•Netting across trading partners.

Centralized Financials Architecture:

TOP Changes in Oracle Release 12:
1.Multiple Ledgers- From Set of Books to Ledgers and Ledger Sets.
2.Legal Entities and Accounting Setup.
3.From Product Accounting to Subledger Accounting. (SLA)
4. Shared Service Access Controls - From Multi-Org to Multi-Access-MOAC (Multi Org Access Control) - Role based access to Operating Unit.
5.Oracle Payments and Banking - Centralized Bank Model- Centralized Payment Processing (Shared Services Disbursements and Receipts)
6.From Multi-Tax Codes to E-Business Tax(EB Tax).
7. Intercompany using Advanced Global Intercompany (AGIS).

Changes between 11i and R12 high level details:

Friday, 7 February 2014

Order 2 cash total tables

Sales Order
select * from oe_order_headers_all where ORDER_NUMBER='66395'
select * from oe_order_lines_all where HEADER_ID=190357
Book sales order
select * from wsh_delivery_details where SOURCE_HEADER_ID=190357
select * from wsh_delivery_assignments where DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID=3963467
Release Sales order
select * from wsh_picking_batches where ORDER_HEADER_ID=190357
select * from wsh_new_deliveries where DELIVERY_ID=3774372
Shipping the Sales order
select * from wsh_delivery_legs where DELIVERY_ID=3774372
select * from wsh_trip_stops where stop_id in(3171666,3171667)
select * from wsh_trips where trip_id=3127351
select * from ra_customer_trx_all where trunc(creation_date)=trunc(sysdate) and INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE1='66395'
select * from ra_customer_trx_all where TRX_NUMBER='10037514'
select * from ra_customer_trx_lines_all where CUSTOMER_TRX_ID=756901
select * from RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL where CUSTOMER_TRX_ID=756901
select * from all_tables where table_name like 'AR_RE%'
select * from RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL where trunc(creation_date)=trunc(sysdate)
Receipts for AR INVOICE
select * from ar_cash_receipt_history_all where CASH_RECEIPT_ID=109992
select je_batch_id from gl_je_headers where trunc(creation_date)=trunc(sysdate)
select je_batch_id from gl_je_headers where je_header_id=4679218
select * from gl_je_batches where je_batch_id=2925233
select GL_SL_LINK_ID from gl_je_lines where je_header_id=4679218
select * from gl_import_references where GL_SL_LINK_ID =6852388
select * from xla_ae_headers where ae_header_id =4946426
select * from xla_ae_lines where gl_sl_link_id= 6852388
select * from xla_transaction_entities_upg where entity_id =3251345
select * from xla_distribution_links where AE_HEADER_ID=4946426
select * from XLA_EVENTS where EVENT_ID=3319807
select * from gl_balances where CODE_COMBINATION_ID=125608
select * from gl_code_combinations where CODE_COMBINATION_ID=12833

Monday, 3 February 2014

Upgradation Project

Up gradation
1. Why Upgrade?
2. Version
3. People Involved
4. Stages
5. Observations.

Why upgrade?
 Oracle has decided to stop the support in future for 11i versions.
       Present version is
      Initial upgrade to 12.1.1
     Final upgrade 12.1.3
People Involved
      DBA: Upgrading the database, application and applying Patches.
      Functional: Setups, Training and Change in Process.
      Technical: Object validations, functionality of reports, forms, alerts and workflow.
3 phases
1.     Iteration 1
a.     Pre upgrade
b.     Upgrade
c.      Post upgrade
2.     Iteration 2
a.     Pre upgrade
b.     Upgrade
c.      Post upgrade
3.     Iteration 3
a.     Pre upgrade
b.     Upgrade
c.      Post upgrade
Pre Upgrade
      Need to meet system requirements.
      Make sure all application versions are synchronized to present version of
      To upgrade to 12.1.3 we need to upgrade it to 12.1.1.
      DBA team will apply patches according to Oracle document.
      Technical team will be responsible in clearing the interfaces and make sure no data is found in interface tables.
      DBA team will apply patches.
      Initially is upgraded to 12.1.1
      Functional team will check few cycles and setups.
      12.1.1 will be upgraded to 12.1.3
Post upgrade
      Check every custom objects are moved properly.
      Object validations through compliance for invalid table names, reports validation, value sets, alerts and workflow.
      Conference Room Pilot -1 (CRP-1), in which functional team will start validating.
      We also provided training to users by functional team.
      Issue with standard report of objects will be solved by raising an SR (Service Request).

Post Upgrade Activities


Table changes
New R12 tables                                              Old 11i Tables
      AP_SUPPLIERS                              PO_VENDORS




      XLA_EVENTS                                 AP_ACOCUNTING_EVENTS_ALL 

      XLA_AE_HEADERS                       AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL

      XLA_AE_LINES                              AP_AE_LINES_ALL 
Iteration 2 and 3
      Iteration 2 will follow the same procedure as in iteration 1.
      Setups and issues handled in iteration 1 will be observed.
      Iteration 2 will have User Acceptance Test (UAT), the same setups will be carried forward to production
      Iteration 3 is to reduce the down time.
      Data match with previous version.
      Path of reports uploaded is same as the application is picking from while running from front end.
      Custom fonts are also moved.
      Fresh clone should be used for initial technical backups or changes.